Safeguarding at MPCT

  As we are an Ofsted Graded 1 college, we continually adapt and improve our Safeguarding provisions to ensure that the well-being and care of our Learners is the best it can possibly be. Please see our most recent updates, including the appointment of a Lead Safeguarding Officer, on our Safeguarding page. Safeguarding    

Bradley’s Story: an update

On August the 9th 2018, our very own Bradley LeBeau-Roe was watched by his proud mother and family as he Passed Out at AFC Harrogate. Bradley’s story is one that has been followed by many, and he has always been very generous in his words about how MPCT has helped him progress towards his goals.

Military Preparation School features in SSCE Cymru Newsletter

MPCT’s Military Preparation School have been featured in SSCE Cymru’s Summer Newsletter. Supporting Service Children in Education (SSCE) has a main objective in providing “the best possible educational support to children, by ensuring education professionals understand the issues Service children in Wales may face.” The project is a Welsh Local Government Association project funded by

A “proud and emotional” Mum gives her thoughts on MPCT.

These are words sent to us here at MPCT from a Mum about her son’s experience at MPCT and how it has changed his life…   “I feel I would like to give MPCT my honest feedback of how Military Preparation School has helped my son Bradley thrive and achieve qualifications and qualities that he

Help us improve our quality and service, and have your say today!

PARENTS and GUARDIANS.  Do you have a child attending one of our colleges or schools?  Your opinion and feedback helps us improve our quality and services within MPCT.  Have your say today and fill on our short survey buy following the link.