News & Events
MPC Teesside Launch a resounding success!
On Wednesday 10th October 2018, Military Preparation College Teesside hosted its Launch Event at MPC Teesside Headquarters. Learners from our already established North East colleges of Newcastle, Bishop Auckland and South Shields heavily supported the event with their Active demonstrations, presentations and Icebreakers for which they should be all be very proud of. The launch...
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MPCT’s Staff Kelly takes on Downsland challenge
We are always very proud of our high quality Staff here at MPCT, and Lee Kelly of Military Preparation College Eastbourne is no exception. He recently took on a fitness challenge for which he has reflected on below. He kept his Learners updated daily with Facebook posts, and it is easy to see why our...
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MPCT Learners complete epic World Mental Health Day endurance challenge!
Selected Learners from our South Wales colleges completed their 24 hour Log run up Pen-Y-Fan Mountain at 10am on the 11th of October 2018. MPC’s Swansea, Merthyr Tydfil, Bridgend, Cardiff and Newport took part, and the log was carried for the duration by the Learners, broken down into 3 periods of 8 hours, of which...
Read MoreInto The Light Update: Aaron Corria
As we have mentioned, selected Learners from our South Wales colleges will be doing a 24-hour Log Run on Wednesday October 10th for World Mental Health Day. For this event, MPCT are partnering up with Brotectors, an organisation founded by Aaron Corria to whom mental health means a great deal. Aaron frequently visits schools, colleges...
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MPS achieve fantastic Summer Attainment Results
The statistics below demonstrate what a fantastic school year 2017/2018 was for our Military Preparation School. We are thrilled with these results and excited for the further growth within the next coming year. Well done and congratulations to all at MPS! ...
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MPS yn cyflawni Canlyniadau Cyrhaeddiad gwych yn ystod yr Haf
Mae’r ystadegau isod yn dangos bod y flwyddyn ysgol 2017/2018 wedi bod yn flwyddyn wych ar gyfer ein Hysgol Paratoi ar gyfer y Fyddin. Rydym wrth ein bodd gyda’r canlyniadau hyn ac yn edrych ymlaen at weld twf pellach dros y flwyddyn i ddod. Da iawn a llongyfarchiadau i bawb yn yr MPS! ...
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MPCT has a new Patron: Shaun Bailey AM, London Mayoral Candidate 2020
Here at MPCT, we are delighted to announce that our newest patron is Shaun Bailey, AM. This announcement is brought to you on the same day that Mr. Bailey has been elected to be the Conservative Party’s candidate for London Mayor in 2020. We are exceedingly pleased that Mr. Bailey is now one of our...
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Mae gan yr MPCT Noddwr newydd: Shaun Bailey AC, Ymgeisydd Maer Llundain 2020
Yma yn MPCT, rydym wrth ein bodd yn cyhoeddi mai Shaun Bailey, AC yw ein noddwr mwyaf newydd. Dywedir wrthych y cyhoeddiad hwn ar yr un diwrnod y cafodd Mr Bailey ei ethol i fod yn ymgeisydd y Blaid Geidwadol ar gyfer Maer Llundain yn 2020. Rydym yn hynod o falch bod Mr. Bailey bellach...
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MPCT Staff to compete for Team GB in 2018 Invictus Games in Sydney!
David Atkin, Lead Instructor at Military Preparation College Battersea is competing in this year’s Invictus Games, hosted in Sydney, Australia. Staff Atkin’s story is a hugely inspiring one, describing his time in the Royal Air Force where he suffered a life changing injury by breaking his back at just aged 20 on his first tour...
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The British Army has introduced new fitness tests for the first time in twenty years.
The British Army are changing their fitness testing criteria to keep up with the ever- changing battlefield as reported by the BBC. Click here to read more….. Nathan Gibbons, Head of Learning and Development at MPCT adds ‘Over the last 15 years, operations have been a large part of military life. Tactics have had to...
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