With the recent government-imposed school closures due to Covid-19, we, The Military Preparation School, deem it is vital we continue with your child’s learning and qualification attainment during this period of unrest and disruption. To support this, we are moving to a distance/remote learning approach so that your child has access to and continues to receive education. We have contacted your child’s school and have informed them we will continue to provide a learning service to support you, the school and most importantly your child.
What happens next?
An online learning zone has been established to support this move to distance learning to allow continuity of learning for your child. You will receive a phone call (withheld) from an Instructor this week to guide you through the next stages. The Instructor will introduce themselves, provide an overview of how this will work and also answer any questions you may have. If you have not received a phone call by midday Friday 27 March 2020, please use one of the 3 communication channels highlighted below.
What have I received?
You have received a learning pack, this contains an assessment booklet that will coincide with your child’s weekly required Instructor-led delivery. This assessment booklet is how we will collect evidence to ensure we secure your child’s qualification. Please keep this safe at all times as we will need this returned.
How will we contact you?
You will receive weekly communication by your child’s Instructor to guide, advise learning, steer towards new learning resources and a provide opportunity to ask questions. There are several ways in which you or your child can contact us to ask for support and questions. Details are provided within this letter. We will regularly communicate with the school with updates of your child’s progress. We will have several new exciting and engaging aspects to promote learning over the coming weeks that will be communicated to you. Please also pay regular attention to the Military Preparation School’s Facebook page.
What do we need you to do now?
To ensure your child has access to the online Learning Zone, please could you use the link provided below to complete a short contact form. The information collected will be used to generate an individual login access for your child. Visit the link below to start!
Learning Zone – Set Up Steps
A primary email address will be required and collected by either the online collection form (link provided) or through the initial phone conversation from one of our Instructors.
The email you have provided will then be sent a login access link, this will allow you to set up your own personal MPS account. This will give you access to our Learning Zone.
Congratulations! You now have access to our Learning Zone that you can use at any time to support your qualification.
How can I contact my Instructor for support?

We at Military Preparation School hope you are all safe and well and we are committed to ensure we work together at this difficult time.
The Military Preparation School Team
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