Tyan Clayton Weaver, an ex-Learner of Military Preparation College Bristol has won the Royal Logistics Corps “Soldier of the Year”. This is of course an oustanding award, and he contacted MPCT via social media to tell us of the fantastic news.
Hey I used to be at mpct Bristol, I feel like it really helped me in deciding my future and pushed me on to bigger and better things and I thought I would let you know I won an award, soldier of the year in the RLC
We are so touched when Learners get in contact and let us know how they are getting on, especially when it shows perfectly how MPCT helped them on their journey. A well done must be said to the Staff at MPCT Bristol who gave Tyan his start and motivated him.
He is pictured with The Princess Royal who is the RLC’s Colonel-in-Chief, having received his Award. Congratulations Mr Weaver, you are inspirational!