Miss Wright joined MPCT in 2016. In a short time, Miss Wright proved herself to be an outstanding student who showed great maturity and a natural ability to lead.
It wasn’t long before she was promoted to Ambassador where she supported countless Learners with their journey towards their chosen careers. Always putting others first, Miss Wright took some time to find the job that best suited her.
She took part in the first Royal Marine Look at Life for females only and showed true grit and determination. Miss Wright supported countless Awards Ceremonies in Liverpool and was one of the 2018 MPCT marketing campaign stars.

Miss Wright took full advantage of the countless Military visits to her college (MPCT Liverpool ) considering all of the options presented. Eventually, and with the determination she had demonstrated throughout her time at MPCT, she chose a career with the Royal Navy and last week she completed her training at HMS Raleigh.

Everyone at MPCT and MPC Liverpool are extremely proud of Miss Natasha Wright and wish her the very best. We have every confidence that she has a successful career ahead with the Royal Navy.

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