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News & Events / Team MPCT completes second Ukrainian humanitarian aid trip.

Team MPCT completes second Ukrainian humanitarian aid trip.

On Thursday 19th May, team MPCT set off for the second humanitarian aid delivery to support the Ukrainian people. Huw Moores and Mike Ronan, both members of the MPCT Senior Leadership Team were delighted to be able to do something tangible to support this clear need.  The amazing Crowd Funding support from the 38 individuals and organisations, unlocked the opportunity to fund the delivery and the numerous boxes of much needed aid donated by our learners and other generous organisations and individuals, meant there was a clear need to get the aid to Ukraine as quickly as possible.

We had planned the journey, allowing us two days to cover over 2000km distance, with a stopover in Germany before reaching our final rendezvous in Poland, where we would transfer the Aid to be taken into Ukraine as the situation at the time dictated.  Day 1 took 16 hours and Day 2 was another 13 hours but we eventually arrived in Lublin on Friday evening.

We met our contact in Lublin and arranged the final details to cross deck all of our Aid alongside some other Aid arriving from Portugal by airfreight.  Day 3 allowed us to meet the Portuguese team and cross deck our combined aid unto the vehicles that were allowed to cross the border into Ukraine.  This was quite humbling to see another team doing exactly what we were doing and trying to make a small difference.

Once we had achieved this and said our farewells, it was time to re-org before setting off early on the morning of Day 4 for the 2 day journey back to Cardiff.

Day 4 started nice and early accompanied with the images of the Aid being delivered to the people who most needed it, our job was done, which made the prospect of the return journey a little easier, safe in the knowledge that we had achieved our aim.

The day continued in very much, a similar manner, just in reverse, taking Mike and I another 12 hours on Day 4 and then 15 hours on Day 5 to eventually arrive back in Cardiff late on Monday evening.

A great experience with equally distinct company of all the people who looked after us and who we met on the journey.  A big thank you to all those who supported with their Crowd Funding allowing us to set off in the first place and the Learning Curve Group for allowing Mike and I, the time away from work in support of the Humanitarian Aid delivery.

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