Last week our learners from our Yorkshire Academies had the opportunity to visit RAF Honington for an RAF Regiment look at life course. This was the sixth cohort to do so in the last 15 months and as always, was a fantastic opportunity for our young people to experience.
After arriving on Tuesday, the students were given a presentation on the capabilities of the RAF Regiment which was insightful for those who had little or no knowledge of the Regiment. They then undertook several varied command tasks, it was great to see the level of leadership and teamwork skills demonstrated throughout.
During the evening, Sergeant Stearman was in attendance from the Norwich AFCO to discuss the Royal Air Force application stages and give an insight into all of the roles on offer.
On Wednesday, the students were split down into two groups to undertake the CAGE (complex air-ground environment), the Ready Gunner 1 VR experience, the sniper stand and CQB lane, briefs from JTAC and Counter-UAS, and finally a tour of the RAF Regiment Heritage Centre.
Our learners then enjoyed an evening social gathering and had the opportunity to meet a former MPCT Darlington student, who is currently mid-way through phase 2 training for the Regiment. This was very beneficial to our female students especially as she was able to give a really good insight into her phase 1 training and her experiences so far during phase 2.
The final day saw an introduction to military drill lessons, in readiness for the end-of-course graduation ceremony.
What was incredible to see was the number of students who are now either considering the RAF / RAF Regiment as their career of choice or have already begun their applications.
We would like to say a huge thank you to the Regiment Recruitment Team for delivering such a fantastic experience to our learners. And also to the many RAF Regiment Gunners who were in attendance to give an insight into their specialist roles and RAF Honington for hosting the visit.