Manny Manfred, Chair of the Motivation and Learning Trust had this to say about the fantastic fundraising event…
Physical training is an important part of Learner activity throughout the Military Preparation Courses. Making training challenging and fun at the same time has been shown to improve performance. Add the sense of “making a difference” by raising funds for charity and we have a fully committed group of Learners just raring to go.
The military has always appreciated that log exercises are an excellent way of improving physical fitness. As well as building upper body strength, the exercises develop teamwork and self-confidence as well as a healthy dose of the co-ordination required to change the log carriers without losing time or momentum. The logs are heavy and skill and practice is required to change the team in a safe and efficient manner.
In June 2018, MPC Croydon held a sponsored 10 mile log run to raise funds for their charity, The Motivation and Learning Trust. A team of 34 Learners and staff planned the route and raised sponsorship – some Learners raising over £100! The day was eagerly awaited by all and, as the pictures show, an amazing amount of skill and effort was put into completing this arduous and challenging task.
After each mile, and after a short break, the learners were given command tasks and games circuits. As the route progressed the strain on the faces grew. After the relief of moving from the log to the running group, Learners soon found themselves back on the log again, with their arm and leg muscles straining to maintain the demanding pace.
With Staff Atkin setting the speed and direction, Staff Instructors supervised the Learners. They ensured that the changeovers were carried out safely and the group was kept as tight as possible. Many Learners found the event really challenging and all of the staff were ready to offer encouragement. Bemused civilians shouted encouragement along the route.
The last few miles saw more grit and determination. As they neared the end, Learner Tsangari rallied the tired but jubilant log bearers and, displaying true leadership skills, led the Learners to the finish. In a truly inspiring show of teamwork and support, they then all ran back to encourage those who were finishing behind them.
Of particular note were the efforts of Learner Fornelos. Despite having only joined the college the day before, he was determined to participate in this daunting event. The motivation and encouragement of all of the participants who ran alongside him, raised a sprint finish at the end of the gruelling 10 miles. An excellent effort from both Fornelos and all of the Learners and staff. An outstanding example of the team spirit formed whilst carrying out these events.
Over £1,000 was raised for The Motivation and Learning Trust. An outstanding amount considering the numbers involved. I am delighted to say that other colleges are now planning similar events and raising funds for their charity. The Chair and Board of Trustees of the MLT Charity would like to thank Croydon College and all others who fundraise for the MLT. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Congratulations and well done to all who took part in this event! MPC Bristol will also be undertaking a 10 Mile Log run on July 20th. Please head to the Just Giving page as follows to donate to a worthwhile cause! https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/andrew-spiers24
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