MPCT Wrexham Awards

On Monday 1st April, Military Preparation College Wrexham held their bi-annual Awards Ceremony. It was a fantastic day attended by many VIP personnel, parents, friends and family. Manny Manfred, Chair of Trustees of our charity, The Motivation & Learning Trust also attended the event to hand out well earned prizes to fund-raising individuals. He spoke

Home Command CM Steve Parker visits MPC Aldershot

Military Preparation College Aldershot had the privilege of a visit from WO1 Steven Parker, Command Corporal Major of The British Army on Tuesday 19th March. Our relationships continue to build with the Armed Forces, and we are especially proud of having individuals as senior visit our centres. Please see a Tweet from the man himself below,

MPCT London colleges spend the day at Wellington Barracks

On Tuesday 19th March, Military Preparation Colleges Croydon, Edgware and Battersea spent the day with The Guards at Wellington Barracks. There was fierce competition between the colleges as there was a football competition as well as a military knowledge test. Congratulations to MPC Croydon Learners for winning both the Football competition and the military knowledge

Pete Leak’s 2019 MLT Charity Challenge: Race 1/15 complete!

MPCT’s Wales and Midlands Regional Operations Manager has pledged to take on 15 endurance challenges in 2019 to raise funds for our charity, The Motivation & Learning Trust. Click HERE to see the whole list of challenges he has planned for 2019 and to donate to the MLT. Saturday 16th of March saw him complete

Welsh Guards support of MPCT continues to grow

This week, the Welsh Guards have been out and about with several of our welsh Military Preparation Colleges. Their support for MPCT has always been unwavering, resulting in many of our Learners starting their careers with them. Learners had specific fitness tests conducted for them, as well as working their way through a round robin

MPC Teesside raise over £500 for The Motivation & Learning Trust

On Wednesday 6th March, Military Preparation College Teesside held a charity bag-pack at Asda, Stockton-on-Tees. Learners engaged in conversation with Asda customers, helping them pack their bags, carry their shopping to their cars and educated them about what MPCT does. We are superbly proud to announce that the college raised £516.02 during this one event!

MPCT does National Careers Week: MPCT at Audi

Here is another demonstration of the amount MPCT can offer a young person to get a good career. These are two Learners from Military Preparation College Cardiff at MPCT Head Office who dropped in to tell us how they got on during their interviews at Audi.  

MPCT sees 65 Learners progress to AFC Harrogate in March alone

In March alone, MPCT has seen 65 Learners leave our colleges to start at Army Foundation College Harrogate in this month of March alone. Congratulations to each and everyone of you!   Josh Keary Portsmouth Peter Llloyd Aldershot Jordan Harvey Southampton Jamie Cochrane Southampton Kyle Blackmore Southampton Connor Zacharides Southampton Miles Dilworth Ex Southampton Schools

MPCT South Shields are raising money for The Motivation & Learning Trust!

On Wednesday 6th of March, all our North East colleges will be devoting the day to raising money for our charity, the Motivation & Learning Trust. Military Preparation College South Shields will be taking on a 311 mile challenge, the distance from MPCT Head Office to MPCT South Shields. On the 6th March MPCT South