Motivation & Learning Trust Charity Gala Dinner a huge success!

The Motivation & Learning Trust held its Annual Gala Dinner on Saturday 18th May 2019 in the Ricoh Suite at Cardiff City Football Stadium. We were privileged to have present our Patron, Lieutenant General Tyrone Urch CBE, who is General Officer Commanding Home Command. Together with senior military officers and Capita representatives, they attended to

MPCT South Shields Learner carries out courageous act!

Nathan Purvis-Hutchinson, a Learner from Military Preparation College South Shields recently made his family and Instructors very proud when he voluntarily carried out a hugely brave and courageous act. In a message sent to the MPCT South Shields Facebook page from Mr Purvis-Hutchinson’s family member, it can be seen how he bravely attempted to save

Chief Executive of British Army Recruiting Group visits MPCT

On Monday 13th May 2019, Military Preparation Colleges Newport and Cardiff hosted a visit from Cath Possamai, CEO of British Army Recruiting Group. As per usual, our Learners put on a fantastic displays of active demonstrations and thoroughly impressed our VIP Guest. Cath took to her own Twitter account to express how impressed she was

MPCT Bishop Auckland receive inspirational letter from NHS Mental Health Services

Military Preparation College Bishop Auckland were the proud recipients of a letter from South Durham Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services this week. As you can see below, it details of how much the college has helped a Learner since starting at the college. It really is a credit to the college that an NHS

VIP visit from Professor Martin Doel OBE CBE

Military Preparation College Southampton had the privilege of a visit today from Professor Martin Doel OBE CBE, a former RAF Air Commodore. Professer Doel is Professor of Leadership and Skills at UCL Institute of Education. He was very impressed by the professionalism, enthusiasm and pride that the Learners exhibited, especially during their active demonstration and public

MPCT Alumni wins Royal Logistics Corps’ Soldier of the Year!

Tyan Clayton Weaver, an ex-Learner of Military Preparation College Bristol has won the Royal Logistics Corps “Soldier of the Year”. This is of course an oustanding award, and he contacted MPCT via social media to tell us of the fantastic news. Hey I used to be at mpct Bristol, I feel like it really helped

MPCT Bristol raise over £1000 for The Motivation & Learning Trust!

A huge well done and thank you must be said to Military Preparation College Bristol who have raised £1068 for our charity, The Motivation & Learning Trust. The whole college took part in a log run and their total was added up this week. With an initial target of £300, it’s safe to say they

MPCT Edgware triumph on first MLT charity event!

Military Preparation College Edgware hosted their first charity event as a college on Wednesday 8th May 2019. They held the event in their local park, where they help out their community regularly and as a result got a lot of support on the day. They flipped a large tyre around the park as a team,

Congratulations Penny Mordaunt from all at MPCT!

Penny Mordaunt has been appointed Defence Secretary of the United Kingdom. She is also the first female to have been appointed this position. Penny has an affiliation with the forces in that her father was in The Parachute Regiment, a regiment that is becoming increasingly populated with MPCT Learners. Penny will continue her role as

MPCT Bishop Auckland at local Community Youth Awards!

Bishop Auckland council hold an event every year which celebrates the town’s outstanding young people. The Town Council wants to celebrate the extraordinary achievements and positive contributions of the town’s young people and the incredible journeys they have taken. Our Military Preparation College based in Bishop Auckland attended the event on Wednesday May 1st and