
News & Events

Over 30 MPCT Learners attend Royal Marines Look at Life Course

MPCT has always taken pride in the standards of our Learners who attend the Royal Marines Look at Life Courses based at the Commando Training Centre in Lympstone. Over 30 Learners were selected from our Military Preparation Colleges all over Wales and England, Learners who were reported by College Staff to show keen interest in joining...

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MPCT Bangor Learner goes to University: Congratulations Mr. Bareham!

Military Preparation College Bangor waved goodbye to Learner Bareham a few weeks ago, as he embarked on the next step of his life at the University of Bangor. The staff at MPCT Bangor are incredibly proud of him, as are we all at MPCT, for his outstanding achievements which as you will see from his...

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MPCT Sports Academy: First ever Inter-College Competition is a huge success!

On Wednesday 5th September 2018, the MPCT Sports Academy launched its first Inter-Centre Competition. The event was aimed at providing an opportunity for students to take part in a purposeful sports competition, develop sportsmanship and continue to develop relationships between centres. The event also allowed outside agencies and partners to officially visit the Cardiff Sports...

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St David’s Day Run: A Run to Remember

On Sunday 16th September 2018, MPCT held it’s last ever St’ David’s Day Run after 18 years of the hugely successful event. The event was a re-scheduled one, with the “Beast from the East” forcing us to postpone the original race from March to September. Despite the weather still not displaying its best, the rain...

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MPC Bridgend to run 50KM for MLT & Dreams and Wishes

Military Preparation College Bridgend are running a 50km challenge next week on the 17th-21st of September. The students will run 10km a day raising money for our very own Motivation & Learning Trust, as well as another charity called Dreams and Wishes which supports seriously ill children and their families.   Tony Curtis MBE and Sarah...

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“Into the Light” 24 Hour Pen Y Fan Log Challenge

In support of World Mental Health Day on Wednesday 10th October 2018 young learners from around South Wales will take part in a charity 24-hour log carry of Pen Y Fan Mountain, the highest peak in south Wales, situated in the Brecon Beacons National Park. At 886 metres above sea-level, learners will support in continually...

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Take a look at our very own MPCT North-East Newsletter

Due to so much activity happening in all of our colleges up and down England and Wales, we have decided to make a specialist Newsletter containing News from our hugely busy North East Colleges. Take a look! North East Newsletter August 2018

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MPC Gloucester Learner selected to become Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet

Mr. Scott Buchanan of Military Preparation College Gloucester has made his college and all of us here at MPCT exceedingly proud as he has been selected to become Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant’s Cadet for the forthcoming year. This is a fantastic accolade for Mr. Buchanan and MPC Gloucester, and this will further nourish the fantastic relationship with...

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Safeguarding at MPCT

  As we are an Ofsted Graded 1 college, we continually adapt and improve our Safeguarding provisions to ensure that the well-being and care of our Learners is the best it can possibly be. Please see our most recent updates, including the appointment of a Lead Safeguarding Officer, on our Safeguarding page. Safeguarding    ...

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Diogelu yn yr MPCT

  Gan ein bod yn goleg Gradd 1 gan Ofsted, rydym yn addasu ac yn gwella ein darpariaethau Diogelu yn barhaus er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn sicrhau’r llesiant a’r gofal gorau posibl i’n dysgwyr. Gweler ein gwybodaeth ddiweddaraf, gan gynnwys penodiad Prif Swyddog Diogelu, ar ein tudalen Diogelu. Diogelu

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