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Mae MPCT yn dweud hwyl fawr i’r Lisa hyfryd!

  Mae Lisa Price, tiwtor sgiliau yn ein Coleg De Cymru, yn gadael MPCT ar ôl 7 mlynedd o waith caled ac ymroddiad gwych. Dywedodd Lisa Gill, Pennaeth Sgiliau Cymru; Yn ystod ei saith mlynedd a hanner, mae Lisa wedi cyfrannu’n gadarnhaol at baratoi pobl ifanc am eu gyrfaoedd yn y dyfodol, gan adeiladu eu...

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MPCT Learners pass out at Royal Marine Commando Training Centre

On Friday 1st of February, not one but two of our ex-Learners received their green berets at the Royal Marine Commando Training Centre in Lympstone. Kurt Smith of Military Preparation Portsmouth and Brandon Ingram of Military Preparation Birmingham passed out and were inspected by Ray Mears, with their families and MPCT Instructors in the audience...

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MPC Bishop Auckland’s Learner Testimonial

As part of their Unit 9 – Shelter building (Op Bravo), MPC Learners were asked the following question. Having experienced a shelter building day or another Military training day with MPCT, you are so impressed you email a friend to convince them to join the college, please give your response:   Dear Jacob I have...

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Prosiect Ardal Gymunedol Ysgol Paratoi Milwrol

Er mwyn i’r dysgwyr gyflawni cymhwyster Sgiliau a Chyflogadwyedd Lefel 2 City and Guilds, rhaid i’r dysgwyr yn Ysgolion Paratoi Milwrol (MPS) gwblhau prosiect cymunedol lleol. Fel grŵp, cytunodd y dysgwyr a phenderfynu mynychu cartref gofal lleol. Ddydd Mercher 16 Ionawr, 2019 daeth dysgwyr o ASS Caerdydd i gartref gofal lleol Neuadd y Sir ar...

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Military Preparation School’s Community Shire Project

In order for the learners to achieve their City and Guilds Level 2 Employability Skills qualification the learners at Military Preparation Schools (MPS) must complete a local community project. As a group the learners agreed and decide to attend a local care home. On Wednesday 16th January 2019 learners from MPS Cardiff attended a local...

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He’s done it! Congratulations Private Jack Kojo-Braima

We are all so proud and happy for ex MPCT Learner Private Jack Kojo-Braima. He has shown true resilience and robustness and has achieved his dream. Take a look at his video below.    

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VLOG WYTHNOSOL MPCT: dal i fyny gyda Kojo-Braima Preifat

Seren ITV’s The Paras: Seren Dynion Rhyfel Daeth Kojo-Braima Preifat yn ôl i sgwrsio â’i Staff Hyfforddwr MPCT Nicoll am ei brofiadau, a sut roedd ei fod yn MPCT wedi ei helpu drostynt Peidiwch â phoeni, nid oes unrhyw rwystrau ar ei daith, dim ond gwyliwch y gofod hwn …

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MPCT WEEKLY VLOG: a catch up with Private Kojo-Braima

ITV’s The Paras: Men of War star Private Kojo-Braima came back to chat to his MPCT Instructor about his experiences, and how being at MPCT helped him through them Don’t worry, there aren’t any spoilers on his journey, just watch this space…

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Rear Admiral Warrender CBE visits MPCT

On Monday 21st of January, Rear Admiral William Warrender visited Military Preparation College Newport. This visit’s purpose was to demonstrate to the Royal Navy the high standards of our MPCT Learners and give insight to daily life at one of our colleges. Rear Admiral Warrender CBE was born in India and joined the Royal Navy...

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Mae Warrender CBE y Rear Admiral yn ymweld â MPCT

  Ar ddydd Llun, 21 Ionawr, ymwelodd y Rear Admiral William Warrender â Choleg Paratoi Milwrol Casnewydd. Pwrpas yr ymweliad hwn oedd dangos i safon uchel ein Dysgwyr MPCT i’r Llynges Frenhinol a rhoi mewnwelediad i fywyd bob dydd yn un o’n colegau. Ganwyd Warback CBE yn ôl yn yr India ac ymunodd â’r Llynges...

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