Ex-MPCT Bangor Learner features in British Army Ad!

Check out the new British Army advert which features an Ex- Learner of ours, Elwyn. He is now a Guardsmen, and he talks about joining the Military Preparation College before joining the Army. Amazing!  

MPCT at Royal Marine Commando Training Centre

Members of MPCT the Marketing Team from Head Office are currently down at the Commando Training Centre in Lympstone capturing the “Look at Life” that the Royal Marine Commandos are putting on for selected Learners from all over our Military Preparation Colleges all over England and Wales. From the word go of a very wet

MPCT at ITC Catterick

Military Preparation College Newcastle Learners had the honour of the invitation to a pass out parade at ITC Catterick on Friday. Members of the First Fusiliers, The Mercian Regiment, The Royal Welsh, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, and The Royal Irish Regiment and the Rifles were on parade as well as a fantastic Gurkha demonstration. Regional Operations Manager Mr Corbett and


We are delighted and very proud to show you our brand new campaign video. It has been crafted carefully using Learners and Staff of MPCT, particularly the Learners from Military Preparation College Gloucester. Thank you to all those individuals that have been part of this creation of The Making Of You. Please make sure to

MPCT Teesside WIN Ex Medical Challenge hosted by British Army!

Military Preparation College Teesside were invited to take part in Exercise Medical Challenge which is hosted every year by the British Army at Norton Army Reserve Centre, where our college is based.  The Learners were competing against 15 other teams including teams from the NHS, Cadets and many other organisations. “The event is a medical-themed

“Mr Stephenson has a strong work ethic and will be a remarkable soldier”

Mr Stephenson came to the college already with a start date for basic training but had been held back by the career’s office the previous year. He was recommended to MPCT by AFCO Newcastle to keep him on track and make sure he had the best possible start to his basic training. Cole was an exemplary

MPCT Battersea complete Marathon log run for MLT!

Military Preparation College Battersea completed their charity event today which involved them running over 26 miles with a log around Clapham Common for The Motivation & Learning Trust.  Thanks go to Staff Gurung who supported with the event. Staff Atkin, Centre Manager of MPCT Battersea kept social media up to date throughout the day posting

TWO MPCT ex-Learners achieve their green beret in one day!

Two ex-Learners (both from Military Preparation College Portsmouth) completed their 30 miler today and achieved their berets and had them presented to them by Lt Col Ollie Coryton (pictured). Congratulations Mr Lewis (right) and Mr Chandler (left), what an outstanding achievement. Additionally,  Mr Chandler achieved the Diamond, making him eligible for The King’s Badge Board. Diamonds