
News & Events

MPCT Leaver’s Poem about his Instructor, Steve Tallis

Military Preparation College Bridgend’s Centre Manager recently won “Inspiration of the Year” at this year’s Veterans Awards. We thought it would therefore a good idea to show you the poem that was written about him by a former Learner, we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. It is clear to see how...

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MPCT Learners support 50 year Airborne celebration in Aldershot

On Saturday 6th of July, thousands of people flocked to Aldershot to celebrate its 50 year connection with our Airborne Forces. The service was held in Princes Gardens, and a giant bronze statue was unveiled to mark this anniversary. Our Learners of Military Preparation College Aldershot were there to give a supportive hand with the...

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MPCT South Shields & Bishop Auckland complete Cleveland Hike!

Last weekend, Military Preparation Colleges South Shields and Bishop Auckland joined forces and competed in The Cleveland Hike. The event takes place over two days and teams can either enter for either 1 day, or take on the full two day challenge, camping overnight. Obviously, our Learners took on the full two day challenge! The...

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“I wouldn’t be where I am without their support”

A Learner from Military Preparation College Newcastle (St. George’s) came back to visit her old college on a period of leave from ATR Winchester. Pte Ellie Riley joing MPCT toward the end of 2018 and was a face everyone remembered as she took a leading role in Launch and Award Ceremonies.   Pte Riley spoke...

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Cyn-MPCT Bangor Dysgwr yn ymddangos yn Hysbyseb Fyddin Prydain!

Edrychwch ar yr hysbyseb newydd yn y Fyddin Brydeinig sy’n cynnwys cyn-ddysgwr, Elwyn. Mae bellach yn Warchodwyr, ac mae’n sôn am ymuno â’r Coleg Paratoi Milwrol cyn ymuno â’r Fyddin. Amazing!

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Ex-MPCT Bangor Learner features in British Army Ad!

Check out the new British Army advert which features an Ex- Learner of ours, Elwyn. He is now a Guardsmen, and he talks about joining the Military Preparation College before joining the Army. Amazing!  

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Enterprise Week: what a success!

We are so proud of all of our England based colleges who took part in the first ever “Enterprise Week” last week. The Enterprise Initiative involved Learners developing their social mobility through a local college based initiative which saw our Learners take to their local communities and spread the word of MPCT.  The college who showed...

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MPCT Staff smash CarTen challenge!

Below is a write up of a recent cycling challenge that some of the Staff of MPCT took on in a couple of weeks ago; Staff Richards of MPCT Cardiff, Gary West (Head Office) and Gareth Athur (Head Office). Staff Richards wrote; At the start of the year I received an email from Gary asking...

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MPCT does Armed Forces Day!

Armed Forces Day is a hugely important date in the MPCT Calendar, and every year our Learners impress the thousands that turn out for the event. On 28th June, many of our Learners from both our English and Welsh Colleges went to the School Engagement day hosted in Salisbury (pictures below) which they thoroughly enjoyed....

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Celebrating all the great things our Veterans are doing within Wales!

On Wednesday 26th June, our Managing Director Huw Lewis MBE together with Steve Tallis, Phil Jones, their partners and representatives from our Head Office attended the Welsh Veterans Awards in support of the ABF the Soldiers’ Charity and sponsored by TASC Holdings Ltd. What a great night with so many positive stories and the highlight...

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